More than 50 percent of Japanese are in favor of introducing a daylight savings time program to conserve energy and make more effective use of daylight time, according to a government survey released Thursday.

According to the survey, 50.9 percent approve of daylight savings time, down from 54 percent in 1998, while 28.8 percent are against the idea, up from 25.2 percent.

Those opposed to the idea said adjusting to the change would cause hassle and confusion, might affect their health, and doubt it would really help to conserve energy.

According to the survey responses, the three most popular ways for slowing climate change are increasing greenery, promoting solar and other forms of natural energy, and promoting more efficient automobiles.

The poll covered some 5,000 adults chosen at random throughout the country between late June and early July.

Just over 70 percent of those chosen responded to the survey.