A goshawk nest has been found on the grounds of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, the Imperial Household Agency has said.

A goshawk nest has been found inside the Imperial Palace grounds.

It is reportedly the first evidence of nest-building in central Tokyo by the endangered birds of prey.

The agency spotted the 80-cm-wide nest under a Japanese evergreen oak near the residence of the Emperor and Empress in late May, it said.

Crow chick feathers were found in the nest, suggesting that crow chicks were fed to goshawk chicks, which had apparently left the nest, the agency said.

Two goshawks were seen in mid-May near the nest.

The agency said the goshawks probably reproduced because the high-pitched cries of chicks were heard from mid-April near the nest.

The agency also saw a chick walking on a tree branch, it said.

Until five or six years ago, goshawks were observed on the palace grounds only in winter. But the bird has been recently seen at various times of the year.