A local group of coffee lovers hoping to promote appreciation of their favorite brew has launched a unique examination program here to encourage people to learn more about the drink.

The Aomori Coffee License Committee, formed by coffee bean wholesalers and coffee shop owners, carried out its first exam in March for students of coffee hoping to become beginner-level instructors, or "barristers," the Italian word for coffee-shop waiters with a knowledge of coffee.

Forty of the 46 applicants passed the exam, which tested potential instructors' ability to select quality coffee beans and tell their brands. The applicants were also asked to make a cup of coffee.

The committee will hold the barrister-grade exam every spring, according to chairman Senzo Narita.

Narita said the group will also hold exams of higher grades, including sepia, silver, gold and critic.

"It is believed at least eight years are necessary for an applicant to get the highest degree of critic," he said.

"The exams are not official, but I would like to invite anyone who loves coffee and wants to make a good cup of coffee to take the exams," Narita said.