Japan on Thursday hailed the inauguration of new Peruvian President Valentin Paniagua after he was sworn in Wednesday in Lima to replace Alberto Fujimori, whose resignation submitted from Tokyo was rejected and who was dismissed by Congress the previous day.

"Japan strongly hopes political stability and democracy will be continuously strengthened under the new president," Foreign Ministry spokesman Ryuichiro Yamazaki said in a statement.

Yamazaki said Tokyo also hopes the transition to the new administration will be achieved in "a peaceful and smooth manner through free and fair elections."

"Japan's policy toward . . . Peru remains basically unchanged," he said. "Japan continues to support democratization as well as the promotion of economic and social development . . . in Peru."

Fujimori submitted his resignation Tuesday from Tokyo, where he says he plans to stay for the time being. He arrived in Japan last Friday after attending last week's Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum summit in Brunei.