Sample newspaper article




Words and phrases

先進7カ国首脳会議 (せんしんななかこくしゅのうかいぎ) G7 Summit

米国 (べいこく) The United States of America

深刻化する (しんこくかする) become more serious [in reference to a problem]

海 (うみ) the ocean

減らす (へらす) to decrease

数値目標 (すうちもくひょう) target amount

盛り込む (もりこむ) to include

文書 (ぶんしょ) document

署名 (しょめい) signature

環境団体 (かんきょうだんたい) environmental organization

6月11日 (ろくがつじゅういちにち) June 11

恥ずべき (はずべき) disgraceful, shameful

批判 (ひはん) criticism

相次ぐ (あいつぐ) to occur one after another

海洋ごみ問題 (かいようごみもんだい) ocean waste issue

取り組む (とりくむ) to deal with

代表理事 (だいひょうりじ) representative of a board of directors

恩恵 (おんけい) benefit

享受 (きょうじゅ) receive

率先 (そっせん) taking the initiative

対応する (たいおうする) to correspond

必要 (ひつよう) need

長年 (ながねん) many years

政府 (せいふ) government

連携 (れんけい) cooperation

削減 (さくげん) cut

立場 (たちば) standpoint

理解 (りかい) comprehension

不満 (ふまん) dissatisfaction

示す (しめす) to display

日米 (にちべい) Japan-U.S.

業界 (ぎょうかい) industry

自主規制 (じしゅきせい) voluntary restraints

使い捨てプラスチック (つかいすて プラスチック) disposable plastics

禁止 (きんし) ban

声明 (せいめい) official statement

公表する (こうひょうする) to announce

Quick questions

1) 文書に署名しなかった国はどこですか。

2) 文書に盛り込まれた内容はなんですか?

3) 環境団体グリーンピースは何が必要と 言っていますか。


An environmental group criticized Japan and America’s failure to sign a document at the G7 Summit in Canada setting targets for mitigating the increasingly serious problem of plastic waste in the ocean, saying it was “a shameful act.”

A representative of the board of directors of the Japan Environmental Action Network, an environmental organization dedicated to tackling the ocean plastic issue, expressed dissatisfaction with the move, saying, "Since Japan benefits from the ocean, we need to take the initiative and deal with this plastic waste issue. Having cooperated with the government for many years on this issue, I can't comprehend why it would pull back from dealing with this."

In an official statement, environmental group Greenpeace said, "It is disgraceful that Japan and the U.S. didn't sign. Rather than voluntary measures by industry, we need to see a ban on disposable plastics."


1) Which countries did not sign the document?


Japan and the U.S.

2) What issue did the document address?


It set targets for mitigating the plastic waste in the ocean.

3) What does Greenpeace say is needed?


A ban on disposable plastics.