Ministop often gets overlooked when discussing convenience store chains in Japan. Due to the sheer number of outlets found across the country, the big three — Lawson, Seven-Eleven and Family Mart — tend to hog the attention (including from this column, which last sampled a Ministop exclusive ... over a year ago). But this less prolific franchise often brings their A-game to original products and a recent dessert reminded me to check them out more frequently.

Ministop's "Adult Tiramisu" — targeted toward fully-developed humans who can handle the taste — arrived in store's across Japan at the start of the month. It actually launched in the Tohoku region in December, but is finally making its nationwide debut. The treat (¥280 with tax included) packs in all the qualities one expects from the Italian dessert into a convenient cup-like container.

And it delivers the taste, too. The "adult" warning aptly applies to the flavor, which leans in heavy on the coffee elements of the dessert. Even as you dig deep into this one, you'll get a nice bitterness in the chocolate that might be off-putting to younger eaters, but works wonders for older folks. It blends nicely with the more outright sweet elements surrounding it, resulting in a treat that is a step up from the usual konbini fare.