Hanami is synonymous with a picnic with friends, family or colleagues under the blooming cherry blossoms, and it is something of a rite of passage into spring. Picnics mean sharing food — so how is a vegetarian in Japan to navigate this social scene? Here are some simple yet impressive items you can take with you to your picnic under the pink.

Nitamago, or marinated soft-boiled eggs, are often used as toppings for ramen, though on their own they are nothing short of divinely flavor-packed edible ovoids perfect for picnicking. In essence, nitamago are soft-boiled eggs that have been left to soak in a seasoned broth over several hours or even a few days.

There are countless ways to boil an egg, but in general you want to aim for a slightly runny but thick yolk, and firm whites. Using chilled eggs, six or seven minutes at a medium to full boil is my personal approximation, but you may need to experiment.