Astonishingly, despite their unsightly impact on natural scenery, the Internet is full of geeks who appear to love tetrapods.

(Whether referring generically to those concrete things piled up all along Japan's coasts, or to the products of Tokyo- and Osaka-based Fudo Tetra Corporation accorded a capital "T" as registered trade-name items, these chunky coastal features are also known as shouha negatame [wave-dissipating blocks] in Japanese, or "armor units" in English, according to Nihon Shouha Negatame Block Kyokai — the industry association).

Just a quick search on the Web immediately brought up two people posting romantic poems titled "Tetrapod," as well as one writing an essay titled "Tetrapod No Ue De (On Top of a Tetrapod)"; and another displaying a photo and caption titled "Tetrapod No Sukima (The Space Between Tetrapods)."