Steven Kent is taking some time off to pursue other projects. Stepping into the breach is experienced game reviewer Ryan Payton.

Over a soaring overture, the narrator opens "Fable," naturally, with a fable. He tells a tale of a young boy with an extraordinary fate -- one that you ultimately decide. Will you guide the boy down the path of righteousness? Or will you tempt him with dark pleasures and mold him into a tyrant? These are the questions you face in this uncharacteristically bold game out of Microsoft.

But "Fable" wasn't born in Microsoft headquarters. Rather the game's provincial theme is a trademark of England-based developer Lionhead Studios, led by renowned game designer Peter Molyneux. While Molyneux may not be a household name, the queen of England knows of him -- she recently knighted Molyneux for his storied contributions in bringing morals to interactive entertainment.