Suzuki Matsuo fits the definition of "multitalented" to a T, though his acting, directing and writing usually have laughter as an object. And while now a showbiz elder — he has been managing his Otono Keikaku theater troupe since 1988 — Matsuo still has a wild hair or two, as if youthful comedian John Belushi had made it to grizzled middle age.

Like his other three features as a director, his new film, "108: Revenge and Adventure of Goro Kaiba," has an original, if bizarre, premise and a patchy execution.

But unlike in "A Farewell to Jinu" (2015), "Welcome to the Quiet Room" (2007) and "Otakus in Love" (2004), Matsuo himself plays the lead. He is Goro Kaiba, a successful scriptwriter who discovers that his wife, Ayako (Miho Nakayama), has been having an affair with a "contemporary dancer," poetically named Doctor Snake (Naoki Inui). Snake's sculpted body, hot glances and sexy moves give his many female admirers the flutters — and enrage Kaiba when he views them on YouTube.