Just as the viewership began preparing for a love triangle between Haruka, Risako and Ruka, the gang started playing romantic musical chairs. When all was said and done, Haruka and Risako found themselves in competition once more, just over a different boy.

On their way to a driving range, Haruka asks Shohei who Ruka is interested in. Could she be probing Shohei out of self-interest? Last we knew, Haruka's affections toward Kenny had waned after their unexciting date and she had shifted her attention to get between Risako and the cherry-cheeked Ruka. According to Shohei's intel, Ruka admits that he gets along well with Risako, but hasn't said outright if he's feeling something more.

Suddenly, Haruka changes her tune. She starts to see Ruka as a "puppy" who is too young to date and Kenny, dear Kenny who she had previously written off, he's now mysterious and intriguing. Out of the three boys, Kenny makes her the most nervous and it's only until recently that she was able to say good morning to him. She says it makes her "super happy" that she's feeling more comfortable talking to him now.