A right to dual citizenship

Re: "Japan loses, rest of the world gains from 'one citizenship fits all' policy" by Glenn Newman (Hotline to Nagatacho, Dec. 9):

I am Japanese-Brazilian. My grandparents (both sides) were Japanese. For some reason that I still do not understand, both my parents, although born in Brazil, are Japanese citizens. Yes, the argument is that they were born in the wartime (my father was born in 1938 and my mother in 1940), and they were, at the time, registered as Japanese citizens at the Japanese Consulate. Back then, most Japanese immigrants in Brazil still believed that sometime in the future they'd go back to their ancestral homeland.

Anyway, they only found out that they were entitled to a Japanese passport when they were about 45 years old, at the time my father got an expat contract to live and work in Japan.