The Cabinet on May 24 endorsed a white book on agriculture for fiscal 2011. It gives priority to reviving agriculture in the coastal areas of the Tohoku region devastated by the 3/11 disasters. The region suffered damages amounting to ¥2.426 trillion, about 27 times that caused by the 1995 Kobe earthquake.

Only 39 percent of the affected agricultural land has been restored. Another point included in the white paper is a call for farmers to expand their operations to engage in processing of agricultural products and distribution and sale of agricultural products in addition to agricultural production.

Attention should be paid to the fact that Japan's agricultural products such as fruits and vegetables are of high quality. If farmers are keen to the needs of consumers and able to supply agricultural products wanted by consumers in a consistent manner, they can expect to increase their profits. These days many consumers want agricultural products that are organically produced and are chemical free.