Based on a proposal finalized Friday by a National Police Agency panel, the government will improve its compensation program for crime victims next year to bolster support for those under 18 and victims of offenses against family members.

The panel, comprising legal and other experts, proposed that benefits for families be raised until all children reach 18.

The NPA will revise regulations to implement the proposed steps in fiscal 2018 starting April 1.

The benefits will continue to be paid for 10 years. Families with children 7 or younger will remain eligible until their children reach 18.

If a father in his 30s with a monthly income of ¥320,000 plus a wife and two kids aged 3 and 6 is killed in a crime, for example, the family will receive benefits of ¥23.5 million, instead of the roughly ¥17 million under the current system, according to the NPA's estimate.

The proposed revision also makes those under 18 affected by crimes against family members eligible for benefits.

In current cases of spousal murder, for example, children are not entitled to compensation even if they are under 18.

The revised program will give them benefits as long as the payments will not financially benefit those who committed crimes.