Moderator: Let's discuss the challenge of hiring more female science majors and solutions to that issue. Let me first ask you what kind of skills are you seeking in women? I wonder if the marketing skills of female science majors, instead of just their capabilities in research and development, could be very beneficial to companies.

Ryu: Generally, women control 70 percent of the final purchasing decisions. When it comes to daily consumer products, the figure is closer to 90 percent. Men maintain some say over the purchase of a car, but their wives are having more influence over that purchase, too.

Otsuka Pharmaceutical is engaged in the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical business. Nutraceuticals are consumer products that differ from pharmaceuticals, which are a logic-based, B-to-B business that involves clinical development. Nutraceuticals rely on the opinion of people who drive consumption. Nutraceuticals require female employees to work in research and development, the origin of the business, not only in marketing or sales.