Race car producer Tajima Motor Corp. has unveiled to the press a prototype floating shelter made of fiber-reinforced plastic that can accommodate up to 20 people in the event of tsunami.

The company said it plans to begin marketing the shelter, measuring 2 meters wide and high and 6 meters long, for around ¥3.5 million later this year after adding the final touches. The presentation was made Thursday at the Shizuoka Prefectural Government building.

The prototype is equipped with a battery originally designed to power lights inside cars, as well as race car seatbelts to secure those inside, according to Tajima Motor. Fiber-reinforced plastic is used to build race cars and ships.

"We have been working in the racing car field for more than 40 years. We are confident of our technology in ensuring safety," Tajima Motor CEO Nobuhiro Tajima said.

The firm, based in Iwata, Shizuoka Prefecture, started devising the shelter last year to protect employees as its research and development center, located just 500 meters from the Pacific.