You may wonder what former New York Yankee slugger Hideki Matsui has been up to since he retired several years ago. Well, one thing he's been doing is appearing on the sports variety show "Tunnels no Sports O wa Ore da" ("Tunnels' I Am the King of Sports"; TV Asahi, Sun., 8:58 p.m.), hosted by the comedy duo, Tunnels.

Last year, a baseball team headed by Matsui lost a game to a team headed by Tunnels' Takaaki Ishibashi. Matsui, who believes his team lost because he tried too hard to hit home runs, has demanded a rematch in New York. Ishibashi honors his request, though he wonders how Matsui can demand his team travel overseas when it was Matsui who lost last time.

Also on the show, Ishibashi's partner, Noritake Kinashi, puts together a "kick baseball game" featuring several professional soccer players. His team, in fact, will play against one headed by Borussia Dortmund's Shinji Kagawa.