'The person I hate most is my mother. Because she gave birth to me, I have to walk toward old age and death," Barcelona-born Angelica Liddell declared during a recent trip to Japan, her dress soft, smooth and elegant in stark contrast to her harsh sentiment.

Born in 1966, the world-renowned playwright and director takes her stage name from that of Alice Liddell, Lewis Carroll's real-life inspiration for the central character in his classic 1865 novel, "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland."

This year, however, sees Liddell venturing to Japan with the Atra Bilis Teatro (meaning Black Bile Theater) company she founded in Madrid in 1993 — to share her rage and doubts with Festival/Tokyo audiences in November, as well as delighting them with her self-made costumes that grace the strangely simple but surreal set of "All the Sky Above the Earth (Wendy's Syndrome)."