Megijima (Woman Tree Island) is a small island in the Seto Inland Sea where 200 very quiet people live. It is said that long ago Megijima harbored demons. No wonder there are only 200 people left. The island was made famous by the legend of Momotaro, the Peach Boy.

Here is the story: Long, long ago, in Okayama Prefecture, a boy was born from a peach. His parents named him Momotaro (Peach Boy). The Peach Boy is, in short, a "fruman," the result of breeding humans with fruit. We don't recommend you try this at home. Frumen, however, are known to have special powers.

One day, in a heavy state of fermentation, the Peach Boy decided to do something really crazy — fight demons! And he wanted to fight real Japanese demons, called oni, the kind that would eat you for morning tea. And where did he find them? Demon Island, of course! Called Onigashima in neighboring Kagawa Prefecture, has since been renamed Megijima (Woman Tree Island — hmm, think there's a connection?).