Australian-born Sara-Shivani is learning hard and fast the nature of her bliss — what she was born to be and do. Her mantra — As I am now, recognize/ As I was born to be, remember/ As I wish to be, visualize/ As nature intended, live — is the motto of the program of holistic heath she is offering to the public: Living Shizen.

Living shizen means living naturally. Sara-Shivani, who is fluent in Japanese, explains that the word (which means nature or natural) is made up of two characters: shi, for self, and zen for I am. "I love Japanese kanji and language. "

Not yet 30 and recently divorced, she arrives in a state of cool apology. She's late because her bicycle chain broke on the way from Kamakura's Yuigahama Beach, and then she had to find somewhere to wash her hands.