Trying to contemplate modern political, social and economic realities — on a global scale and country by country — analysts inevitably have to deal with issues and touch upon practical instruments of geopolitics, geostrategy and geoeconomics. Unfortunately, these three very meaningful concepts are often not very well comprehended. For example, if we ponder the United States or, for that matter, the Russian Federation, what will these "three geos" stand for in concrete and practical terms?

In modern historical circumstances, U.S. geostrategy seems to focus on such intricate and vital aims as preserving global stability. To put it briefly, there is no other single power around willing and capable of taking such comprehensive responsibility upon itself. In many ways, this is an unusual situation that predestines the ranking of concrete challenges on the U.S. political agenda, not all of which necessarily are of a truly strategic character.

It looks as though that, at the moment, such real global challenges for the U.S. and its not-so-many true allies can be reduced to two main tasks: