Even though the When East Marries West column for April 7, titled "Texting in the proper context," was short, I felt incredulous after reading it. I would have read it again, but the text-speak writing was atrocious and difficult to read. People don't actually text like that in English; it surely defeats the purpose if it takes you so long to decipher text-speak that's meant to save time.

But my issue with this article is far more than stylistic. Was it an attempt to be humorous? That must be the case. To suggest that women are objects meant to be enjoyed by men and that they ruin this fantasy image by actually living a regular life — like talking to their family and friends on the phone — must surely be a joke.

Add to these chauvinistic opinions the assumptions that two women on a train with a foreign male stranger must want to talk about him, and must be attracted to him and want his attention. The writer claims that women ruin this persona by talking, using very rude similes and metaphors to illustrate this.

What would the writer suggest? That women sit on the train, legs crossed, staring at him suggestively?

Why was this drivel published? I sincerely hope it was some sort of bad joke. Still, it was a week late for April Fool's Day.

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.

rebecca slinn